The challenge:
To reconvert L’Oréal Spain’s traditional Christmas party into a dynamic, participatory and experiential online event for more than 2,000 employees.
How #wemakethedifference:
We came from the L’Oréal ON AIR concept, which was already a success last year, energised by Leo Harlem at the Coliseum Theatre. How to exceed expectations in a virtual format? By creating a L’Oréal ON AIR 2.0 in which all the employees of the different brands felt part of the programme.
We developed a morning show in the purest television style with a totally personalised virtual stage design in which all the brands were present. We counted on Carlos Latre as presenter and host of the event, who surprised us with a grid of sections in plenty of music, dance, live participation of employees and, of course, humour.
Improved rating by attendees (already high in itself), great convening power with more than 2,000 workers connected, and an unprecedented level of participation in social networks.